I am a Responsible Netizen
Before we go on, do you know what a Netizen is?
Based on the free encyclopedia, Wikipedia, a Netizen (from Internet and citizen) or cybercitizen is a person actively involved in online communities.
So based on the meaning me, you and everyone that make use of the internet is a Netizen. But there is a problem. Many of these netizens lack responsibility.
But what do we mean by a responsible netizen?
For me a responsible netizen does not do the following:
1. Uses inappropriate words at commenting and chatting.
Internet is like a community where social activities happen everywhere. And one of the things they forbid is using bad words because it is an assault to the person you pertains. This is also applied in the internet.
2. Visits pornographic sites.
As we all know prostitution is against the law of our community and visiting pornographic sites in the internet is a way of cyber prostitution so it is also against the law. And above all, God forbids any kind of maliciousness.
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